
Folder Hotarari CL 2019


Toggle Title Date Download
document Hcl 63 alegere viceprimar (228 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 31 KB)
document Hcl 62 sarbatori iarna dec 2019 (201 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 34 KB)
document HCL 61 TAXA SALUBRIZARE CANAL (229 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 34 KB)
document HCL 59 PROGRAM ACHIZITII (199 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 34 KB)
document HCL 58 RECTIFICARE dec 2019 (198 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 37 KB)
document HCL 60 APROBARE RAPORT INVESTITII (217 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 49 KB)
document HCL 68 rectificare de indata dec 2019 (204 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 37 KB)
document HCL 38 (216 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 34 KB)
document HCL 52 RETEA SCOLARA (206 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 30 KB)
document HCL 51 DESZAPEZIRE (218 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 55 KB)
document HCL 50 APROBARE CONTRACT STARZI PUSCASI REST DE EXECUTAT (232 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 49 KB)
document HCL 49 RAPORT URBANISM OCT 2019 (214 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 58 KB)
document HCL 48 EXECUTIE BUGET TRIM III OCT 2019 (199 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 32 KB)
document HCL 46 RECTIFICARE (214 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 36 KB)
document HCL 45 CETATEAN DE ONOARE (208 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 31 KB)
document HCL 47 APROBARE PT POIANA (198 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 37 KB)
document HCL 44 EXPERTIZA STRADA 3 (209 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 32 KB)
document HCL 43 INFIINTARE SERV APA CANAL AUGUST 2019 (298 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 39 KB)
document HCL 42 REPREZENTANT CA SCOALA (206 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 32 KB)
document HCL 41 RAPORT REPARATII SCOLI (212 downloads) Popular Download (docx, 31 KB)


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Vechimea aşezării de astăzi Puşcaşi, nu poate fi stabilită cu precizie, primele urme de locuire datând din perioada Latene a epocii fierului.

Aici a existat dintotdeauna o comunitate, având se pare ca ocupaţii agricultura, creşterea animalelor, prelucrarea lemnului şi a lutului.

Primele informaţii despre această aşezare le avem din sec. al XV-lea, mai exact din timpul domniei lui Alexandru cel Bun,...

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