
Folder Declaratii de avere si interese


Folder Declaratii de avere si interese 2012


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pdf Declaratie de interese Rusu Claudiu (116 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 213 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Onica Gheorghe (113 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 216 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Mihalache Ion (105 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 216 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Lungu Mihai Silviu (108 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 214 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Ignat Paul Marian (138 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 191 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Hancu Casian (114 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 218 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Barbu Emil (109 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 228 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Armeanu Alexandru (113 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 213 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interese Anutei Constantin (104 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 220 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interes Pletoianu Gigel (110 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 227 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interes Sandu Marius (112 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 183 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interes Pricob Alexandra (114 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 197 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interes Lefter Florin (113 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 189 KB)
pdf DEclaratie de interes Ionita Lucian (111 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 183 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interes Diaconu Alina (119 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 204 KB)
pdf Declaratie de interes Catarama Razvan (121 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 204 KB)
pdf DEclaratie de ineters Iacob Corneliu (121 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 194 KB)
pdf Declarate de interese Plop Gica (121 downloads) Popular Download (pdf, 235 KB)


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Despre comuna Puscasi

Vechimea aşezării de astăzi Puşcaşi, nu poate fi stabilită cu precizie, primele urme de locuire datând din perioada Latene a epocii fierului.

Aici a existat dintotdeauna o comunitate, având se pare ca ocupaţii agricultura, creşterea animalelor, prelucrarea lemnului şi a lutului.

Primele informaţii despre această aşezare le avem din sec. al XV-lea, mai exact din timpul domniei lui Alexandru cel Bun,...

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